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Safety science

Journal Volume: 30
Journal Issue: 1
Journal Year: 1998
Articles in SafetyLit: 22

A compensation system of damage caused by accidents at energy objects: problems, methods, models

A computer system for evaluating and predicting hurricane impact on forest

A prehospital education system for nurses and doctors

A system for motorway management based on risk rate estimation

An application of the MEMbrain training module: pre-hospital rescue operation

Assessment and mitigation of the consequences of fires in chemical warehouses

Bridging the gap: remote sensing and needs assessment--a field experience with displaced populations

Command centers and emergency management support

Dealing with the complete crisis--the crisis management shell structure

Emergency construction waste management

Geoinformation systems and regional environmental prediction

Looking for answers: suggestions for improving how we evaluate crisis management

Loops--limited object oriented patient simulator : Design criteria for a patient simulation model

Mission efficiency analysis: evaluating and improving tactical mission performance in high-risk, time-critical operations

Private provision for public services in Denmark: the case of Falck

Risk analyses for sewer systems based on numerical modelling and GIS

Risk assessment modelling and visualisation

Risk management: role of social factors in major industrial accidents

Supporting multi-group emergency management with multimedia

The Pothole Lake fire: an analysis of emotion in a successful emergency response

Using system simulation to model the impact of human error in a maritime system

Working under pressure: crisis management, pressure groups and the media